Y2024 Spring Dinner

Weather is getting warmer and it is time to meet again. You are invited to our RAA Toronto dinner gathering and meet our teachers and Raimondian.
Date and time: May 1 (Wed) at 7 pm
Venue: Golden Court Abalone Restaurant 黃金閣
Address: 270 West Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Y9 (Hwy7 + Leslie)
Fee: $65 for Raimondian
        Teachers: free of charge
To help arranging the event efficiently and effectively, please pre-paid your payment through Interac e-transfer to events@raimondicollege.ca before Apr 15. Please include your Name and email/ phone number in the e-transfer “Note” for our tracking.
(You can refer to this youtube link to learn more about Interac e-transfer.)
If you have difficulty in doing Interac e-transfer, you can drop off your cheque (payable to “Raimondi College Old Boys Association”)  at our legal advisor’s office at below address. Please also include a note to indicate your Name and email/ phone number.
Sunny Ho’s Law Office, 15 Wertheim Court, Suite 801, Richmond
Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us at email  membership@raimondicollege.ca
Hope to see you that day.